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Autumn Recipes: Pumpkin and Butternut Squash Soup

Soups are actually so easy to make and its a create way to help with the #zerowaste movement. I am a big believer in using EVERYTHING I buy. As a consumer of a developed country, I need to be responsible to produce I buy therefore I should use it - I cannot stand to see food thrown away when it is perfectly healthy to consume.

For anything that requires using up the last bits of veg that get forgotten about at the back of the fridge. I picked these two because with halloween just ending, so many pumpkins gets used, but hardly eaten, WHAT A WASTE!! Perfect the be used for a classic soup!

1 small pumpkin

½ butternut squash


Chilli flakes

Pumpkin seeds

Coconut oil – 1 tbsp

2 slices of bread

  1. Cut up pumpkin and butternut squash

  2. Place in pan with boiling water for 15-20 minutes (until soft)

  3. Drain and place in a mixing bowl, add coconut oil on top of veg

  4. Using a hand blender, blitz the veg until consistency of preference (I prefer having some lumps in mine!)

  5. Place in a soup bowl adding extra topping of seasonings (I used basil and chili flakes and toasted pumpkin seeds).

Simply, delicious and ZERO WASTE!


Simply Martha x

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